Saturday, April 26, 2008

It must be essay writing time again.....

I'm supposed to be writing an essay about women and their head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11.... so what's the perfect procrastination device? Internet quizzes!
So much more satisfying that what I used to do to avoid essay writing - less ironing gets done but who cares???
Talk to you soon

Which Jane Austin heroine are you??

Fanny Price

You are smart and shy, a quiet beauty with brains that intimidate everyone around you. You often feel out of place, homeless and alone. As an intellectual idealist, you long to be heard and understood, but rarely waste your time trying to defend yourself to those who could not possibly understand. Time and experience is making you bolder. Despite your clever genius, you long for simplicity, and the love of your soul mate, who is a socially surprising and unlikely match.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More China commentary (WITH PHOTOS!)

Hi Folks,
BB is beginning to post his responses to China - they make for interesting reading! Whilst I don't agree with everything he says (that would make life rather boring, wouldn't it ;-) his insights make for very interesting and thought provoking reading. BB comes at China with fresh eyes: after 11 or so trips I often don't notice stuff, or rather I notice change - many of the difficult bits I just accept in rather a Chinese way - I can't change it so I may as well accept it as it is.

So for interesting reading I recommend BB's China posts, you can read them here.

Here too are a few photos of China, taken on the school camera. We've also got video footage and in the next week or so I'm looking forward to getting CDs with all of the kids pictures on them so that we can make up a digital tour album. Not as good as having BB's pics - but nearly!

See you soon,

Saturday, April 05, 2008

SB & BB et al arrive home safely

Hi everyone!

We arrived home safely this morning with Gary and all 21 kiddlie winks! A fantastic time was had by all.
Last couple of days involved a casualty - BB slipped on the VERY wet deck of the boat, hit his wrist on the railing and our camera fell into the Li River - along with all of the beautiful photos he had taken! I'm quite cross with myself that I hadn't downloaded them onto my ipod - but if I've learned a hard lesson it's probably no bad thing! At least we'll still have the kids pix so there'll be some to show. Still, if that's the worst that happened in 24 days overseas with 21 kids I'm well and truly glad!
Many thanks for all of the comments and messages along the way. Hopefully I'll post a few photos off the school camera tomorrow once I've had some sleep! BB will probably post to his blog soon - he has some fascinating comments to make. Well worth a peek! His site is:

Lots of love to you all, see you soon in REAL time!