Sunday, September 10, 2006

John Middleton Brodin's grave

One of the highlights of our trip last year was being able to visit the grave of mum's great uncle, John Middleton Brodin (Jack) brother of her great grandmother. He was killed at Poiziers in France - one of the worst battles Australians ever fought in. On a beautiful sunny summer's day in a sleepy peaceful village it was hard to imagine the horror of that day.

We were really touched by how beautifully kept the cemetery and monuments are ninety years after the battle. It certainly is a fitting tribute to all those Aussies, English, Canadians, New Zealanders etc who died on the Somme.

Jack was born in Euroa and worked as a wood cutter. He fought in Egypt and then in France. 2 days before his death he was disciplined for gambling. The letters in his military file from his mother trying to get information about his whereabouts and injuries when he was wounded make very sad reading. Apparently she never really recovered from his loss.

It was a privelige for us to be able to visit.


Monday, September 04, 2006

How cute is this!!

We've got a new toy in our house - a slide scanner. So last night I was scanning some ancient Lee family slides and came across this cutie of me as a small person!
Just incase anyone wanted PROOF that I was taught to do housework, here I am pegging washing on the line.
No wonder I turned into the domestic goddess I am today!