Sunday, August 31, 2008

Psalms: The Church's prayerbook

Hey all,

Life has been busy - hence no posting!! Still no time really, but here is a quick post!

We've been doing a wonderful course in Prayer and Spirituality on Fridays this semester. A few weeks ago we did a wonderful session about Praying with the Psalms with Rev Professor Howard Wallace - he's just published a number of books on the Psalms, so he was really able to bring them alive for us.

At the end of it we were asked to write a prayer ourselves in the shape of a Psalm. Despite being an erstwhile English teacher I'm not usually good at this kind of stuff - but here's my contribution. I'd be interested to hear your feedback.

Praise, praise to you, O God of the earth,
for you have created the cosmos and all that is in it.

Praise, Praise to you, O God of the Mountains
You are greater than my strife, more powerful than my tormentors.
Praise, Praise to you O God of the rivers
You bring life giving water to crop and beast.

Who am I Lord, to approach one so mighty-
To ask for help form my creator?

Yet you were with me at the hour of my birth
You knew me before I knew myself.
You understand the deepest desires of my heart, even when I cannot utter them.

O Lord, I rejoice in you, my creator,
God of Heaven and earth
For you are greater than my tormentors
You have known me since the beginning of time.

Blessings to you all,


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