Sunday, October 29, 2006

Where to from here?

I've always liked certainty. Knowing who I am. Where I am. Where I'm going. Having somewhere to aim for. I like security. An obvious example of this is the fact that I've been in the same school for 12 years now. Sure, I had a year overseas - but to all intents and purposes I have enjoyed where I've been - and so I've stayed. There's been plenty of challenge, new opportunities as far as classes and pastoral challenges that have made it an interesting journey. I've also loved the collegues I've had to work with and of course the fantastic young people who have made their way through my classes.

So entering into a Period of Discernment for ministry is an interesting change of direction. What it really means is giving up that life raft of security I've enjoyed for so long. Earlier this year I applied for a job which would have given me the best of both worlds: able to stay at my school and chaplaincy. Fortunately others could see this wouldn't be the best thing for me. And now, just as I'm on the brink of beginning - a phone call offering me my dream job. That which I would have given anything for a few years ago. What once would have been a great opportunity seems more like a block on the path - obscuring my vision and having the potential to block my view of what really matters.

I'm reflecting on what it feels like to give up my sense of security - to actually trust God with my future and leave my life in his hands. It's quite a brave thing for someone who likes security as much as I do! Stepping into an unknown future seems a brave thing to do. However I have two big things on my side - the love of God calling me on to new and exciting adventures - calling to a life of service where I can hope to make a difference in the lives of those around me - and also the love of a truly wonderful man. What a great blessing that is.

I pray that God will be with both of us on this journey - and lead us along the right path. And if that's not the one I want to go down now - I pray that God will give me the grace and understanding to put it asside and find the truly right path for me.
I'm in your hand's Lord - hold me gently.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jeffreys family of The Mumbles Wales

During our visit to the UK last year, mum and I managed to do some family history research. We visited knew that mum's Jeffreys ancestors came from The Mumbles and went to the Cardiff public record office. We discovered that John Middleton Jeffreys, the ancestor who came to Australia, and his brothers and sisters were all born at either Norton House, or Norton Lodge. JM Jeffreys is the grandfather of John Middleton Brodin, the ancestor buried on The Somme, subject of another post on this blog.

As we drove into The Mumbles, we were quite excited to see a sign pointing to "Norton House Hotel." We followed the sign and discovered this lovely boutique hotel. Clearly the Jeffreys family weren't short of a bob or two when they were in Wales - what a shame that JM Jeffreys came out here as a struggling labourer!

Norton Lodge was over the road - another lovely house -now an old people's home. We could only see the gates unfortunately.

We also visited the church and then checked out where the family lived in Swansea in the 1700s.

If anyone is interested in this branch of the Jeffreys please feel free to respond to this post.